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[APA]The 14th Australian Peptide Conference 개최 안내

2021.07.22. 10:35:50

10월 17일부터 22일까지 호주 (APA)에서14차 Australian Peptide Conference가 개최됨을 알려드립니다.
개최 방식은 하이브리드이며, 노벨 수상자인 Sir Greg Winter가 연자로 참여, 포스터 오랄 발표도 온라인으로 가능합니다.
사전등록이 시작되었으니 아래의 내용을 참고하시어 학술대회에 대한 자세한 정보를 확인 바랍니다.

The14th Australian Peptide Conference will be held at Voco Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, from the 17th – 22nd October 2021, (apc2021.org). The APA Organising committee has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation around the globe and is planning for a 'hybrid' meeting with both face-to-face and virtual participation. The theme of the meeting will be ‘Peptides in Paradise’ and the organising committee is assembling an exciting program containing a wide range of applications, including discovery, characterisation, structural biology, pharmacology, chemical synthesis and biosynthesis, engineering, therapeutic development, proteomics and technological advances. This year we have incorporated Proteomics into the main meeting to maximise exposure. The program is coming together well with some excellent speakers, including Nobel Prize Laureate Sir Greg Winter. There are a number of oral slots still open and we will be having both "physical" and virtual poster sessions so everybody can participate.

Can I encourage you to register asap whilst early bird rates are applicable: registration for the virtual meeting is very reasonable (AUD 225 Full Registration, AUD155 Student Registration), and there are still student bursaries available if your students are able to attend in person. For the students in particular this is a great way to hear some great science and meet overseas colleagues and potential collaborators. It would be great if you can circulate this email around your group, and to any other colleagues who you think may be interested?
Ed Nice, Australian Peptide Association.
Total : 123개 (page : 5/9)
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