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AOHUPO/KSMS Travel Fellowship for Young Scientists in Asia & Oceania Region

2007.08.16. 18:05:38

AOHUPO/KSMS Travel Fellowship for Young Scientists in Asia & Oceania Region

AOHUPO (president: Dr. Richard Simpson) would like to announce "AOHUPO/KSMS Travel Fellowship Awards" and invite applicants who are from Asia/Oceania region to submit their application form. It is acknowledged that this fellowship fund has been kindly donated by the Korean Society for Mass Spectrometry (President: Dr. Jongshin Yoo, KBSI) in order to support young scientists in this region and promote their participation to HUPO congress in Seoul. Applicants will be evaluated based upon the merit of their submitted abstracts as well as their career accomplishments (CV). Twenty Five awardees will be selected for this fellowship. The winner of the Award will be selected by the AOHUPO Travel Fellowship Awards Committee after reviewing the quality of their abstracts. The Award, which carries a certificate and an honorarium of USD400, will be presented to the winners at the Award Ceremony on Wednesday, Oct 10, 2007. Note that most of the winners are expect to present their posters. To qualify, applicants need to be 36 years young or younger on October 6th, 2007 and hold an academic/industrial position as a graduate student, post-doctoral fellow, assistant professor or equivalent (less than three years experience in an independent faculty position). Please submit the following information to KHUPO office via email at 1. A copy of your abstract (with abstract Number) that has been submitted to HUPO Congress (staring with HA-xxx) 2. A brief CV (1-2 pages long, A4 size) 3. Deadline August 25, 2007 AOHUPO/KSMS Travel Fellowship Award Selection Committee: 1. Richard Simpson (Chair, Australia) 2. Kazuyuki Nakamura (Japan) 3. Fuchu He (China) 4. Jongshin Yoo (Korea)
Total : 170개 (page : 9/12)
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