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프로테오믹스이용기술개발사업단 심포지엄 개최 (12월12일)

2007.12.03. 18:06:45

21세기 프론티어연구개발사업단인 『프로테오믹스이용기술개발사업단』에서는 프로테오믹스 관련 학술교류 및 홍보를 위한 핵심커뮤니케이션 창구로서 매년 『Functional Proteomics Symposium』을 개최하고 있습니다. 다가오는 12월에는 그 여섯 번째 장으로?‘From Proteomics Technology to Value Creation’란 주제로 심포지엄을 마련하였습니다. 바쁘시더라도 많은 관심을 가지시고 꼭 참석하셔서 함께 해 주시기 바랍니다.

프로테오믹스이용기술개발사업단장 유명희

일 시 : 2007년 12월 12일 (수) 09:00 ~ 18:00

장 소 : 한국과학기술연구원 국제협력관 컨벤션홀

접수 및 문의 : 프로테오믹스이용기술개발사업단

(Tel.: 02-958-6917, E-mail: office@proteome.re.kr)

Time Contents
09:00~09:30 Registration
09:30~09:40 Opening address by Dong Wha Kum (President of KIST)

Proteomics technology for discovery

chair: Do Han Kim (GIST)

09:40~10:10 Cancer biomarker discovery through differential proteomics / Cheolju Lee (KIST)
10:10~10:40 A method to increase accuracy of peptide identification in high-throughput large-scale proteomics: PE-MMR / Sane-Won Lee (Korea Univ.)
10:40~11:10 Algorithm for profiling peptide modifications / Eunok Paek (Univ. of Seoul)
11:10~11:30 Coffee Break
11:30~12:00 A systems medicine approach to complex human disease / Daehee Hwang (POSTECH)
12:00~12:30 Functional peptidomics for novel ligand discovery / Sung Ho Ryu (POSTECH)
Session II

Target discovery and validation (I)

Chair: Young Sook Yoo (KIST)

14:00~14:30 Oxidative stress and glutathione peroxidase 1 in erythrocytes / Sue Goo Rhee (Ewha Womans Univ.)
14:30~15:00 Proteomic approaches to development of bone disease therapeutics / Hong-Hee Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
15:00~15:30 Recognition of microbial product by the Toll-like receptor family / Jie-Oh Lee (KAIST)
15:30~15:50 Coffee Break

Target discovery and validation (II)

Chair: Jiyong Song (CRPS)

15:50~16:20 Applying the RNAi technologies to localization of a gene function to a specific region of the brain / Hee-Sup Shin (KIST)
16:20~16:50 Novel paradigm for therapeutic target discovery / Sunghoon Kim (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
16:50~17:20 Mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic disease / Kyong Soo Park (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
17:20~17:50 Focused integration and valued outputs / Myeong-Hee Yu (FPC, KIST)
18:00 Adjournment

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